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Writer's pictureFrom Jerry's Heart

Welcome To My Journey!

Updated: Jan 13

Since I was very young, (maybe 10 or 12) and all throughout my life, many people have told me "you're such a gifted writer and seem to know exactly what to say and how to say it; you should write a book"! The lesson today should be "Be Careful What You Ask For!"

Whether it was a story about an event in my own life, a poem or song lyrics, an in-depth analysis (opinion) of the current political, social, economic or climate conditions and occurrences, people generally seemed to enjoy not only what I wrote about, (even though not always in agreement) but the style in which it was written. I suppose you can say my writing style is "conversational", as if just you and I were sitting alone in some big comfortable chairs, in front of a warm fireplace perhaps, just having a friendly intimate conversation. I have been honored to have been "in conversations" with various people from from around the world, in numerous professions, ethnic and religious backgrounds, economic or social status, through various cancer support groups I have been involved with.

I have been drawn to this oasis in the high desert of New Mexico, called Holy Cross Retreat Center, which is overseen by a number of Franciscan Friars, a few employees, and a whole army of local volunteers who have also been drawn to this Spiritual place. But, the head guy is Fr. Tom Smith, who many will recognize as another southern Indiana boy, member of St. Mary Navilleton Catholic Church, who was ordained in 1979 and said his first Mass as a Priest at Navilleton when I was a Senior in High School. While our families are very much alike and involved in church life, Tom was a little older than me, and our paths did not cross again until now. Amazing how God intertwines our lives, where two boys from the same altar wind up in the New Mexico desert some 45 years later!

For the next six weeks, I will be working here at Holy Cross to help Fr. Tom and his volunteer crew on some building projects we are designing, as well as some needed building maintenance items (sort of a Friars Honey-Do List)! I'll try to update this blog regularly with writings and photos of this wondrously Spiritual place, so check back often. I am also here to try and organize some 300 (+) pages of notes and writings I have done since before my cancer diagnosis in 2016, to see if there is any sort of book (be it helpful and insightful for others, or just a cathartic exercise for my own mind) that can be culled from the pages of ramblings! Fr. Tom has written, produced and sold a wonderful book himself called "Poor Tom" about his own life journey (available on Amazon!) and has graciously agreed to help me and get me pointed in the right direction. I think I may have the general THEME of the book down, which came to me rather inconspicuously when I arrived here; already the mind has begun to clear!

Lord, I am here;do with me what you require. I am clay in the Potter's Hands!

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